DO-178C In a Nutshell

If you’re reading this, it’s a safe bet that you have something to do with the aerospace industry. And it would be a safer bet that you’ve (at least) heard of what most avionics professionals consider the quintessential avionics document, DO-178C. The multifaceted and highly technical go-to guideline for all commercial software-based aerospace systems, DO-178C is vital to modern-day avionics project planning and development. Although there are many dense details to cover, we wanted to quickly note some of the key concepts of 178C (the latest version of DO-178) and a couple ways it’s applied to today’s aerospace projects. We’ll Continue Reading > > >

CAST-32A and AMC 20-193 Compliance for Multi-core Processors

he use of multicore systems brings extra complexity to software behavior, and as a result to the certification and verification activities that must be performed to provide sufficient design assurance. As multicore systems were not used in avionics when DO-178C was released, DO-178C itself includes no guidance on certification concerns for multicore systems. This was addressed by the CAST team in CAST-32A, which is due to be superseded by AMC/AC 20-193. To understand more about CAST-32A and AMC 20-193, read ConsuNova Resource Page. ConsuNova also provide CAST-32A Training and AMC 20-193 Training under their Advanced DO-178C Training.