The Aircraft System Safety Assessment in Four Steps

There’s a lot to consider when developing and engineering aircraft. All those considerations come with a lot of QA and analysis. If only more people knew how many assessments like these occurred, fear of flying would be a thing of the past. Ultimately, all the trials and tests come down to ensuring safe, reliable flights, no matter the conditions, cargo, or crew. For aircraft systems specifically, the multistep process gets lengthy and difficult to navigate at times. So, we developed a four-step review covering the key milestones in aircraft system safety assessment, centered around the primary standard, ARP-4761A. First, a Continue Reading > > >

Avionics Certification Course

Check out our upcoming avionics certification and training course! Classes run June 27 through July 1. The amount of topics and dense details in avionics certification combined with the need for tangible application of engineering concepts means that just reading manuals and articles will never be enough to keep your aircraft knowledge “flying high.”  That’s why we’re hosting a comprehensive five-day interactive online avionics certification course. Topics include: DAY 1:– Understand ARP 4754A & ARP 4761 DAL Determination– SAE ARP 4754A Certification Considerations– ARP 4761 Functional Hazard Assessment– ARP 4761 Safety Assessment Process: PSSA & SSA DAY 2:– Avionics Configuration Continue Reading > > >